Dave Moore
Dave MooreDave grew up a “military brat,” living in Oklahoma and many other places before settling in San Diego, where he worked most often in the hotel industry, where he worked in sales management.

His sobriety date was Sept. 19, 1986 and he passed away on Dec. 7, 2019 with 33 years of sobriety at the age of 73.

Dave loved motorcycles, fast cars, his dog Hack and playing pool -- but none of those compared to his love for Alcoholics Anonymous and talking to newcomers. He had a special gift for listening and sharing his experience, strength and hope with others and he sponsored many men during his AA career, often carrying meetings into prisons and jail.

He could often be seen standing outside the Mt. Soledad Men's meeting on Saturdays, talking to a newcomer for an hour or so after the meeting had ended and everyone else went on with their day.dave

He was a strong believer in the idea that we could work the 12 Steps on any problem -- any person, place, thing or idea in our lives that we were powerless over -- and get relief, not just our drinking problem.

For almost 20 years, Dave suffered from a painful and debilitating medical condition called CIDP that affected his muscles and nerves but for most of his life, he was able to rise above it, saying simply that the disease was a gift that brought him closer to his Higher Power.

Among his favorite sayings were: “Ain’t God great?!” and “There I go again, being me.”

Here is a recording of Dave at a speaker meeting in 2002.

Photo (above) shows Dave Moore with the late Dick Hogue. More photos can be found at Dave's obituary which is shown here.