Ergo MajorsErgo Majors III 

Ergo was a top executive at one of the Big 4 automakers in Detroit before eventually hitting bottom.

He spoke often of realizing finally that he was simply "a loving child of a loving God" and described love as "doing something nice for someone else without expecting anything in return."

ergoAccording to his official obituary, which can be found here, Ergo was the great-great-grandson of one of the Pony Express founders and participated in the Centennial celebration of that service in 1960 by riding the final lap into Sacramento on horseback and carrying a letter from the mayor of St. Joseph, Missouri.

He was sober for 28 years when he passed away on Dec. 9, 2006.

We are currently looking for a recording of Ergo to post on this site, so if you have access to one, please drop a line to

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